Ralston United Church of Christ engages in a variety of outreach activities that provide an opportunity to serve.
National support
NEIGHBORS IN NEED Special offering that supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States.
OUR CHURCH’S WIDER MISSION Special offering that supports all the ways the UCC strives together to be the church the world needs both nationally and globally.
ONE GREAT HOUR OF SHARING Special offering that channels resources for international programs in health, education and agriculture development, emergency relief, refugee ministries, and both international and domestic disaster response.
STRENGTHEN THE CHURCH Funds raised support leadership development, new churches, youth ministry, and innovation in existing UCC congregations.
THE CHRISTMAS FUND Funds provide direct financial support to those who serve the church and are facing financial difficulties including active and retired clergy and lay employees.
Local support
EMBRACE TEACHERS Supports the teachers and students at Seymour Elementary with donations of needed items and food for conferences.
TRI-CITY FOOD PANTRY Collects food items for pantry that supports the people who live in the greater Sarpy County area.
YOUTH EMERGENCY SERVICES (YES) Monetary donations to assists youth experiencing homelessness and near-homelessness by providing critically-needed resources which support them in their desire to be self-sufficient.
OMAHA STREET SCHOOL Monetary donations and volunteer opportunities to assist at this faith-based alternative high school for at-risk students who have not found success in a traditional high school setting.
THANKSGIVING FOOD BASKETS Collect items for food baskets assembled for families in need.
ANGEL TREE Collect and wrap presents for local families in need.
MITTEN TREE Collect hats and gloves for the Salvation Army.
UNDIE SUNDAY Collect undergarments for the Open Door Mission.
BABY ITEM COLLECTION Collect items for single mothers at various shelters.
ON-GOING COLLECTIONS For Open Door Mission; Plastic shopping bags to use in the making of mats for the homeless